
Brachymetacarpia Tunisia

What is brachymetacarpy ?

short finger brachymetacarpy in Tunisia Brachymetacarpy is a birth defect that occurs when the bones at the base of the fingers (called metacarpals) are abnormally short. It can affect one or more fingers, and can be unilateral or bilateral.
In some cases, brachymetacarpia can be mild with few symptoms, while in other cases it can cause functional problems, including loss of grip strength.

What are the causes ?

The exact causes of this condition are still unknown, but hereditary factors may play a role.
Studies have shown that brachymetacarpia can be associated with certain genetic abnormalities such as mutations in the HOXD13 gene, which is involved in limb formation. Environmental factors such as exposure to toxic substances during pregnancy can also increase the risk of developing this abnormality.
In some cases, brachymetacarpia can also be idiopathic, that is, it occurs without an apparent cause.

What are the symptoms ?

Symptoms of brachymetacarpia are mostly physical and visible. Affected fingers may appear shorter than other fingers on the same hand. In some cases, affected fingers may also be deformed and exhibit abnormal curvature.

How to diagnose ?

Diagnosis of brachymetacarpia can be made by physical and radiological examination. The doctor may inspect the hands and fingers for signs of shortening or abnormal curvature of the metacarpal bones.
An x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be done to confirm the diagnosis. These exams visualize the internal structures of the hand and measure the length of the metacarpal bones.
In some cases, genetic analysis may be performed to determine if brachymetacarpia is caused by an inherited genetic mutation. It can also help establish an accurate diagnosis and provide information about the risk of transmitting the disease to future children.
Depending on the underlying cause of the brachymetacarpia, it may also be necessary to perform other tests to identify other abnormalities or associated health problems.

How to treat brachymetacarpia ?

Treatment for brachymetacarpia depends on the underlying cause of the condition. In cases where brachymetacarpia is caused by an inherited genetic mutation, there is no cure and treatment is instead focused on managing symptoms.
However, in some cases where brachymetacarpia is caused by a bone malformation or injury, surgery may be considered. Surgery may involve a bone graft to extend the length of the shortened metacarpal bone, or an osteotomy to reshape the deformed bone.
In addition, patients with brachymetacarpia may benefit from the use of custom hand supports to help maintain normal hand function. Physical therapists may also provide manual therapy to improve hand muscle mobility, flexibility, and strength.
It is important to work with a physician who specializes in orthopedic diseases and rehabilitation specialists to develop a personalized treatment plan for each individual with brachymetacarpia.

What are the possible complications of brachymetacarpy ?

Complications of brachymetacarpia depend on the severity of the malformation and the presence of other associated birth defects. Here are some of the possible complications:
Functional impairment: People with brachymetacarpia may experience difficulty performing manual tasks, such as grasping large objects and perform fine activities like writing.
Bone deformity: Bone changes can occur if brachymetacarpia is left untreated or not supported properly, such as joint malformation or shortening of adjacent bones.
Delayed development: Newborns with brachymetacarpia may have delayed motor and cognitive development.
Emotional Difficulties: Children with brachymetacarpia may develop self-esteem issues and anxiety due to their different physical appearance.

Is surgery an option to treat brachymetacarpia ?

Surgery may be an option to treat brachymetacarpia in some cases. However, the treatment will depend on the severity of the malformation and the associated symptoms.
If brachymetacarpy causes significant functional impairment or bone deformity, surgery may be required. Depending on the situation, surgical options may include bone distraction, osteotomy, grafting, or implant techniques.
However, the decision to proceed with surgery will depend on different factors, such as the age of the patient, the severity of the malformation, the presence of other birth defects, and the motivation of the patient. Non-surgical treatment options, such as physical therapy exercises, orthotics, and prostheses, may also be considered before resorting to surgery.

What are the operational consequences ?

The postoperative course of surgery to treat brachymetacarpy may vary depending on the extent of the operation. However, here are some points that are commonly observed:
Recovery can take several weeks or months, depending on the type of surgery performed and age and condition. overall health of the patient.
The patient may feel pain, stiffness or swelling in the operated hand and wrist.
The patient may need to wear a splint or immobilization splint to hold the hand and wrist in place and promote healing.
A period of rehabilitation, such as physiotherapy, may be required to help the patient regain strength and functional ability complete.
The patient may need modifications in their activities during the recovery period, such as avoiding tasks that could put a strain on excessive pressure on the operated hand and wrist.
Regular follow-up visits with the surgeon may be required to monitor healing and adjust the treatment plan if necessary.
It should be noted that each case is unique and the postoperative course may vary according to each person.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery time after surgery to treat brachymetacarpia will depend on the nature of the surgery and each patient's response. However, in general, it is possible to give a rough idea of ​​how long the recovery will take.
Post-operative recovery can take several weeks to a few months. During this time it is common to experience pain, stiffness, discomfort and swelling in the treated hand and wrist. The surgeon may also prescribe an immobilizing splint to help support the treated area.
The patient may require physiotherapy to improve recovery and help restore normal hand and wrist strength and function. Patients may also need to modify their daily activities for a while after surgery to allow the treated area to heal properly.
Ultimately, the length of recovery depends on several factors, including the nature of the surgery performed, the age and general health of the patient, and the patient's commitment to following post instructions. -operating procedures provided by his surgeon and his medical team.

Is it painful ?

Post-operative pain will depend on the type of surgery performed to treat brachymetacarpia. Most patients can expect to experience some pain, swelling, and stiffness after surgery. However, modern means of pain management, such as painkillers, nerve blocks, and cryotherapy, can help minimize postoperative discomfort.
Most patients recover quickly after surgery for brachymetacarpia and can often return to work or school within 2-6 weeks of surgery. Patients will need to follow their surgeon's post-operative instructions, such as taking medication and rehabilitation exercises, to minimize pain and speed healing.

What are the advantages of surgery ?

Surgery to treat brachymetacarpia can have several benefits for patients. Here are some of the potential benefits of surgery:
Improved function: The goal of surgery for brachymetacarpy is to increase the length of the fingers to improve their function. Patients can regain better grip, better dexterity and better performance in daily activities.
Aesthetic improvement: Brachymetacarpia can also affect the appearance of the hands. Surgery can help improve the symmetry and overall aesthetics of the hands.
Good prognosis: Surgery for brachymetacarpy usually has a good prognosis. With successful surgery, it is often possible for patients to return to normal function and an improved cosmetic appearance.
Minimally Invasive: Depending on the type of surgery performed, surgery for brachymetacarpy can be minimally invasive, with relatively low recovery. fast.

Are there any associated complications ?

As with any surgery, there are risks of complications associated with the muscle implant. However, the risk of complications depends on many factors, including the complexity of the operation, the general health of the patient, and compliance with post-operative instructions.
Possible complications include infection, hematoma, muscle necrosis, implant rupture, muscle asymmetry, or abnormal scar formation. Although these complications are relatively rare, it is important to discuss the potential risks with your surgeon before deciding to have a procedure.
By following your surgeon's post-operative instructions, you can minimize the risk of complications and promote a smooth recovery. If you notice signs of infection or other problems, such as increased pain, fever, redness or swelling around the treated area, it is important to contact your surgeon promptly for help. 'aid.

What are the advantages ?

Improved muscle symmetry and proportionality.
Improved muscle definition or size, especially in people who have difficulty gaining muscle despite their regular training.
Lasting results, as the implants are designed to be implanted permanently.
Muscle implants can also improve self-esteem and self-confidence in people looking to improve their physical appearance.

What are the risks of complications ?

As with any surgery, there are risks and complications associated with surgery for brachymetacarpia. Potential risks include:
Chronic pain.
Loss of sensation.
Scarring issues.
Bone necrosis.
However, these complications are rare and most patients recover quickly and without serious problems. The risk of complications can be reduced by choosing an experienced surgeon to perform the procedure and by following post-operative instructions strictly. If you experience severe pain, swelling, infection, or any other symptoms after the procedure, you should contact your surgeon immediately.

Lengthening of the metacarpal bones

Metacarpal bone lengthening, also known as radius lengthening, is an orthopedic surgical procedure that involves slowly stretching one or more bones in the hand, usually the metacarpals, to correct a bone deformity, shortening or malformation. This technique increases the length or size of bones to restore finger alignment and improve hand function. This is an operation that generally requires a period of recovery and rehabilitation and is performed under general or local anesthesia depending on the case.


In conclusion, brachymetacarpia is a relatively rare congenital malformation characterized by abnormally short fingers of the hand. Although it can cause inconvenience and functional problems, surgery can help improve mobility and function in the affected hand. In Tunisia, qualified specialists offer personalized surgical options to treat brachymetacarpia, at affordable prices. If you are affected by this condition, it is important to consult a specialist surgeon to discuss the treatment options available to you.