Tensor threads - Non-surgical lifting

Placement of tensor threads - Facial Rejuvenation

How does the process of installing tension threads work?

Placement of tensor threads Tunisia - non-surgical facelift at a low price The placement of tensor threads is an aesthetic technique which aims to stimulate and restore the tension of the connective tissues which have been relaxed, which gives an immediate lifting effect. Tensor threads are made from completely resorbable materials, which means that no foreign bodies can survive in the body. The installation of tensor threads is a non-surgical, low-traumatic method that offers an immediate lifting effect. The doctor asks the patient to apply an anesthetic cream 45 minutes to 1 hour before the treatment under cellophane so that the treatment is carried out in the greatest comfort and without pain. Installing the tension threads can take 30 to 60 minutes depending on the instructions, the type of thread and the number of threads to be installed.

What are the benefits of tension threads?

Tensor threads have several advantages for rejuvenating the face. Here are some benefits of this treatment:
Immediate lifting effect: The tensor threads reposition the volumes of the face and neck to offer a younger and firmer appearance to the skin.
Stimulation of collagen production: Tensor threads improve the texture and tone of the skin in the long term by increasing the production of collagen.
Long-lasting results: Tensor threads rejuvenate the skin in a natural and lasting way.
Non-surgical procedure: The installation of tensor threads offers an immediate lifting effect without the risks associated with surgical intervention.
Quick recovery: The placement of tension threads allows rapid recovery with little bruising and edema which disappears in 48 hours.
To summarize, the installation of tensor threads offers immediate and lasting skin rejuvenation, with rapid recovery and few side effects.

Are there any possible side effects of tension threads?

Potential negative consequences of placing tension threads may include the following:
Bruising: Although usually mild and temporary, bruising can occur after the installation of tension wires.
Edema: Treatment may cause slight edema, but it is usually temporary and goes away in the days following treatment.
Pain: Tension threads may cause mild pain, especially during the first few days. However, this pain is usually mild and can be treated with common painkillers such as paracetamol.
Infection: Although rare, the placement of threads can cause infection. However, by following the doctor's instructions after the operation, the risk of infection is reduced.

What is the recovery time after the installation of tension threads?

Recovery time is generally short after the installation of tension threads. A slight edema and swelling may appear immediately after the sutures are placed, but 80% of the edema disappears within a week, allowing you to resume a normal social life. On average, skin irregularities and redness resolve within a week. The first few days there may be a lot of swelling on the temples and cheekbones, but within three days half of this swelling will disappear. Treatment ends quickly, and the majority of patients can return to daily activities shortly afterward.

Which areas of the face can be treated with tensor threads?

Tensor threads can be applied to various parts of the face to stimulate sagging tissues and produce a lifting effect without surgery. Areas suitable for tension thread treatment are:
The oval of the face.
Nasolabial folds.
The jowls.
The corner of the lips.
The eyebrow.
The neck.
Tightening threads restore and reposition facial volumes, providing a rejuvenating and natural effect. Results do not occur immediately and may last up to 18 to 24 months. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and can last from 20 minutes to an hour depending on the number of areas treated.

What are the long-term results of tension threads?

The type of thread used affects the long-term results of tension threads. Absorbable tension threads, such as those made from polydioxanone (PDO) or polylactic acid, resorb in 6 to 12 months. The size and type of yarn determine the tensor effect and durability of the yarn. The effect of the tension threads is visible immediately, but it takes about two months to reach maximum tension. Depending on the threads used, the repetition frequency of the tensor threads varies from twelve to twenty-four months. Non-absorbable tension threads, on the other hand, offer permanent results but may have long-term disadvantages.

How to choose between tensor threads and other aesthetic treatments?

The needs, expectations in terms of results and the physiological characteristics of each patient determine the choice between tensor threads and other aesthetic treatments. Tensor threads provide an instant lifting effect and can be used to restore sagging facial tissues, resulting in natural, long-lasting rejuvenation.

Is the placement of tension threads painful?

In general, the installation of tension threads is considered not very painful. The procedure is painless and is performed under regional and local anesthesia. The act is much more impressive than it is painful because the treated area is completely numb. However, the placement of tension threads may cause mild pain in some people, but this pain is generally temporary and disappears quickly.

What are the different techniques for installing tensor threads?

There are many different methods for applying tightening threads to rejuvenate the face. Here are some of the methods below:
Vertical laying technique: This method consists of identifying the number of wires to be laid thus as their position in a vertical axis. The threads are inserted to strengthen the sagging tissues of the face.
Insertion technique: After local anesthesia, the doctor inserts the thread through using a needle. The wires are placed in the doctor's office and strict disinfection rules are imposed.
Resorption technique: Some tensor threads are resorbable, which means that over the thread Over time, they are naturally reabsorbed into the tissues. Additional threads are permanent and provide long-lasting results.
Recovery technique: Tensor threads may cause slight swelling and edema after surgery. poses, but they usually disappear within a week. Treatment ends quickly, and the majority of patients can return to daily activities shortly afterward.

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