Shoulder fracture treatment

shoulder fracture

Definition of Shoulder Fracture

Treatment of fractured shoulder in TunisiaThe fracture of the shoulder or upper end of the humerus is common in the elderly, even in cases of minor trauma. The clinical signs are pain, swelling and the inability to mobilize the upper limb.The X-ray confirms the clinical diagnosis.

Orthopedic treatment of shoulder fracture

In the event of a non-displaced fracture, the upper limb is immobilized "elbow to the body" for one month and a half to leave the shoulder completely at rest. After bone consolidation, the immobilization is removed, rehabilitation can begin.

Osteosynthesis by intramedullary nail

The intervention takes place in the operating room, under general anesthesia, in strictly aseptic conditions. The patient received the usual skin preparation in the room before being taken to the operating room. surgical procedure, the sterile drapes are placed. Through several incisions, under radioscopic control, the surgeon places the osteosynthesis material: the humeral nail, the locking screw(s) upstream and the locking screw downstream. The upper limb is immobilized "elbow to the body" for 3 to 6 weeks and then begins a gentle mobilization. Active shoulder amplitude rehabilitation begins around the 6th week.

Shoulder prosthesis

When the fracture of the humeral head is very comminuted, it is impossible to resort to the osteosynthesis, the alternative is the shoulder prosthesis. Whether the prosthesis is humeral or total, the operative risks and complications are identical.

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