Treatment of tibial plateau fracture

Tibial plateau fracture


Treatment of the fractured tibial plateau in TunisiaThe tibial plateau fracture occurs during compression or torsion trauma. The signs are pain, knee edema sometimes axial deformity. X-ray confirms the clinical diagnosis.

Orthopedic treatment

The indication for orthopedic treatment of tibial plateau fracture is the absence of displacement and the stability of the fracture. A cruropedial immobilization (from the foot to the top of the thigh) is made. Support is prohibited for three months.

Surgical alternatives

The interventions below take place in the operating room in the orthopedic room under strictly aseptic conditions. The patient benefited from the usual skin preparation in the room before being taken to the operating room.

Screw osteosynthesis

The patient is seated on the operating table. After the usual skin preparation in the operating room, the sterile drapes are placed. Depending on the displacement of the fracture site, the surgeon is required to make either several mini incisions or a larger incision to visualize and reduce the fracture. After reduction of the fracture, the osteosynthesis screws are placed. In case of loss of bone substance, it will be filled with a bone graft.

Plate and screw osteosynthesis

The patient is seated on the operating table. After the usual skin preparation in the operating room, the sterile drapes are placed. The incision is long enough to visualize the entire fracture. Once the reduction of the fracture has been obtained, the plate is placed and fixed using of screws. In case of loss of bone substance, it will be filled with a bone graft.

Follow-up to these interventions

Pressure is prohibited for three months. Preventive anticoagulant treatment is instituted during this period. knee is immobilized by a splint.Rehabilitation begins after 6 weeksThe osteosynthesis material will be removed 9 to 12 months after the osteosynthesis.