Laser lipolysis

Laser Lipolysis - SmartLipo

What technology is it based on?

laser lipolysis tunisia price cheap priceHistorically, laser light has been known for many years and is used in medicine in many situations: the eyes to correct myopia, the skin to remove unwanted hair, brown spots, angiomas, small red veins or purple on the face or legs. From this use was born the technology borrowed to destroy fatty deposits under the skin. Started in Europe in 2001, Laser Lipolysis, a cutting-edge technique in the medical world, has been approved by the FDA (Medical, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Agency). American) in November 2006. The type of laser used is the NdYAG (1064nm) Long Pulse. By its action, it adds an advantage to this procedure, it cauterizes (closes) all the small blood vessels and therefore reduces the risk of bleeding which reduces the bruises (hematomas) after the intervention. This is a big advantage over liposuction, which tears out all these vessels and causes extensive bleeding under the skin and therefore large bruises for several weeks. Since its development, Laser Lipolysis has become one of the most practiced in the Western world. There are a few variations to this technique, the trade names of which are FotoLipo (Fotona) at 1064nm, SmartLipo (Cynosure/Deka) at 1064nm, CoolLipo (CoolTouch) at 1320nm and ProLipo (Sciton) which uses a wavelength at 1319 nm. These variants, whose wavelengths oscillate around 1300nm, heat the water in the fat cells and thus cause them to explode. However, the substances dissolved by these last two methods need to be aspirated by cannulas.

Effects on the skin

Since the laser fiber disintegrates fat cells, limiting bleeding, we do not encounter the notion of resistance in the skin or the phenomenon of tearing of the tissues sometimes giving an uneven appearance of corrugated iron to the skin after classic liposuction. With Laser Lipolysis, the movement is homogeneous and flexible; A bit like stepping into soft margarine. All gestures are supple and smooth, this technique is said to resemble the movements of an archer on a violin. In addition, the thermal effect of the laser causes a phenomenon of skin retraction (collagen shrinkage) which restores the skin a smoother and tighter appearance to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Classical liposuction tries by what is called resculpting to tend towards this effect but often the skin in corrugated iron persists or if the operator has gone too close to the dermis, ugly scars can appear in the event of necrosis of the dermis.

Intervention method

First of all, you have to make sure you are a good candidate (see paragraph “am I a good candidate”). Once you have determined that you want to perform this type of procedure, you then need to identify the area or areas that you want treated. Knowing that the areas that the laser can take into account are generally small or medium, the quantity eliminated by this technique should not be overestimated. Large fatty deposits in cases of proven obesity are not good subjects for laser lipolysis.
Once the areas have been identified, you must then make an appointment with your doctor trained in this laser lipolysis technique. A qualified laser doctor (working in a laser center or a clinic), a dermatologist who practices laser or a plastic surgeon who practices laser are likely to have such equipment. During the initial consultation the doctor will establish your general state of health and will ask for a biological profile including the analysis of blood fats (cholesterol and triglycerides). Indeed, as the fats dissolved in the skin will then be metabolized by the liver, it is necessary to ensure that you do not present any anomaly on the side of your blood lipids. Once your green light has been obtained on a medical level, an estimate will be will be given and a date of intervention will be proposed to you. There is no need to come on an empty stomach for this type of treatment. The areas to be treated will be marked with a felt-tip pen and an anesthetic product will be injected into the skin at the level where the laser fiber will be driven under it. This is so that you don't feel anything. Some more numbing product will be infiltrated into the area to swell the fat under the skin called hypodermic fat (this method is called “tumescent”). The tumescent approach allows painless targeting of the fatty area and reduced bleeding under the skin. It therefore makes it possible to perform Lipolysis by Laser in a laser center or in the doctor's office without having to resort to any general anesthesia. Finally, the skin has three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. Under no circumstances will the laser fiber go beyond this deep layer of the skin since the targeted fat is called “hypodermic fat”.
The fatty deposits are then destroyed by the laser fiber. By bursting, they will release the fats that are no longer retained in small bags and these will be digested by the body and managed by the liver for their elimination by natural means. Along the path of the fiber, the small reticular blood vessels (micro-vessels of the skin) will be cauterized (sealed or coagulated) and thus cannot create large hematomas as conventional liposuction is able to do. Since the hematomas are considerably reduced, the edemas (swellings) will also be reduced and small in size. This can be called a minimally invasive or mild treatment. These advantages of laser lipolysis over conventional liposuction reduce recovery time to just a few hours. This safely reduces our stubborn fatty areas with mild and easily manageable side effects.

Am I a good candidate for Laser Lipolysis?

Almost anyone can perform this type of procedure. Those with a lipid profile at risk will be accompanied in a special way. The doctor will address this type of case during the initial consultation.

What are the selection criteria?

To be in a good health
Being on average 15 kilos from your ideal weight
Have one or more areas of fatty deposits that have responded poorly to diet or exercise
Being motivated and determined to permanently reduce those areas of stubborn fatty deposits
Your doctor will identify with you the risks and benefits of such a procedure and what laser lipolysis can do for you. In fact laser lipolysis will be good for you:
If you are very active (active) and don't have much time to recover after a procedure
You've sweated all the water out of your body in various and varied exercises and followed a whole bunch dieting and failed to lose that belly or hip or inner thigh or above knee fat; You can't get rid of that double chin that annoys you every morning when you look at yourself in the mirror. You've had enough of those limp gooseberry jelly arms. Then laser lipolysis is for you. It's a simple and effective solution that will give you satisfaction without causing long consequences.

How many treatments should I have? Is one session enough?

For the vast majority of patients, a single session will suffice on the treated area(s). In rare cases where the diet is excessive and/or the lack of exercise remains chronic, this may lead, over a few years, to a resumption of overweight. A finishing session is sometimes recommended at 6-10 months to refine the results in difficult areas such as the hips or knees. This "mini" session is of lower cost (generally 250-300 euros). The session will last between 45 and 75 minutes depending on the area treated.

What should I do after the session?

In general, discomfort and bruising are minimal after the session. Most patients return to their activities the same day. This is why in the United States, this technique is called “Lunch Hour Lipo”.

Does Laser Lipolysis correct cellulite?

This procedure will improve the contour of the treated area and may reduce cellulite to some extent and may also tighten a little flabby skin.

When can I observe the results?

The results appear in the first days (because it is necessary to wait for the anesthetic product to be purged by the body) and will continue over the following 3 months. Indeed, it is the body (and the liver) that metabolizes the fats dissolved by the laser.

Does Laser Lipolysis produce lasting results?

Yes, adults no longer produce new fat cells. From a certain age, weight gain occurs through an expansion of the storage capacity of adipocytes (fat cells). Laser Lipolysis destroys adipocytes, their content is released into the tissues and then these fats are metabolized by the liver and rejected by natural means. The results are therefore permanent.

What are the points?

Little or no social eviction: no need to stop work. Some astute people choose to do their session on a Thursday or a Friday in order to use the weekend to be quieter.
Little pain, just some tenderness for two or three days. Nothing to do with the painful contusions of classic liposuction that last two weeks.
Little traumatic, little or no post-session bruising. The incision created for lipolysis is the size of a large needle, while liposuction can leave one or more visible scars.
Post-session care is reduced: visit to 3 days, 1 month and 3 months. After 3-4 days the adhesive tape that covers the area is replaced and then the patients return to the center after a month.
On the other hand, the doctor will have prescribed a compression garment to compress the tissues so that they recover well against each other. It should be worn for 3 weeks. However, patients who observe anything that they think is abnormal should call their operator to see them at that time.
The safety profile and side effects are much better than those seen with conventional liposuction, especially with regard to hematomas, pain and edema.

Great Principles after the session

The recovery time begins as soon as the doctor turns off the laser at the end of the session. Your operator will give you the advice to follow during the following days. They are generally simple. First, the local anesthesia will begin to wear off, it will be normal to feel a slight tension in the treated area(s). Then this phenomenon will disappear in two or three days but the area will only be sensitive to touch. During this phase, you will be prescribed analgesics (Doliprane, Efferalgan, ibuprofen, etc.) Elastoplast-type adhesive strips will be prescribed to wrap the treated area(s) well for about ten days after the session to allow good adhesion tissues between them. This also allows the small edema created by the anesthetic and the dissolved fat to go away in one to two weeks. Once this little edema is gone, your recovery time is over. We then observe the first phase of the results. The second phase will last 10 weeks.


Following the decree of April 11, 2011, the French government, the only one in the western world, has removed this procedure from the available therapeutic arsenal. French-speaking patients interested in this procedure can consult the Belgian, Swiss, Canadian, Tunisian or Moroccan sites that offer this service. However, our site offers you, as in the past, complete and detailed information on this subject in the name of the right to information and freedom of expression. Unlike liposuction (also called liposuction), laser lipolysis does not no biological matter outside the human body. It is therefore not a surgical procedure. The destruction of fat cells (where fat is stored under the skin) is done using a laser fiber introduced by a flexible needle into the layer of fat under the skin called the hypodermis.

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