Lipoedema treatment

lipoedema Tunisia

What is lipoedema ?

Lipedema surgery in TunisiaLipoedema is characterized by an excessive accumulation of fat under the skin, mainly in the thighs, hips and buttocks, whether chronic. Women are mainly affected by this condition which manifests itself in different stages, ranging from the formation of fatty nodules to folds of skin covered with fatty tissue. Pain, bruising, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs can be caused by lipedema. It differs from obesity and lymphedema, although complications can occur.

What are the causes ?

Lipedema is mainly caused by hormonal changes, particularly the effect of the female hormones estrogen, which causes accumulation and increase of fat cells. This condition is frequently transmitted and can occur during times like puberty, pregnancy, or perimenopause. Women are mainly affected by lipedema, which manifests itself in different stages, ranging from the accumulation of subcutaneous fat to folds of skin covered with fatty tissue.

What are the symptoms ?

Signs of lipoedema include the presence of accumulations of fat under the skin, mainly on the thighs, hips and buttocks, which leads to pain, bruising, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs. The different stages of the disease include the emergence of fatty nodules as well as the appearance of folds of skin covered with fatty tissue. Depending on the stage of development of lipedema, symptoms differ, ranging from pain and bruising at first to folds of skin filled with fatty tissue in advance, which can impact movement and balance.

How to diagnose ?

It is essential that a doctor specialized in this disease, such as a lymphologist, angiologist, phlebologist or specialized plastic surgeon, establishes the diagnosis of lipoedema. It is essential to have appropriate clinical data on the patient in order to make an accurate diagnosis. It can be complicated to differentiate the symptoms of lipedema from other conditions, which is why it is essential to consult a seasoned expert. Many practices frequently offer special consultations to help diagnose lipedema, which can be confused with other conditions such as fibromyalgia, musculoskeletal problems, polyneuropathy, or chronic venous insufficiency. It is crucial to make an early diagnosis in order to guarantee optimal management of the disease and implement appropriate treatment.

How to treat lipoedema ?

Lipedema can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on the stage of the disease and the patient's symptoms. Here are some common ways to manage lipedema:
Conservative treatment.
Surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment

Comprehensive decongestive therapy (CDT): The goal of this method is to reduce swelling and to improve lymphatic circulation.
Manual lymphatic drainage: A method that can help reduce swelling and promote the circulation of lymphs.
Compression therapy: It is recommended to use compression garments to reduce swelling and support the tissues.

Surgical treatment

Liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure that treats lipoedema by removing excess fat accumulated in areas affected by lipoedema. There is a particular method called "lipo 360°", which involves circular liposuction in order to treat lipedema more effectively. Thanks to this exceptional method, it is possible to circularly remove the fat altered by lipedema, relieving pain, the feeling of heaviness and hypersensitivity. Following this surgical procedure, there is a significant reduction in spontaneous bruising and edema, which improves the quality of life of patients. It is essential to seek the advice of experienced professionals in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment of lipedema.

What are the operational consequences ?

The postoperative course of liposuction to treat lipedema involves an essential convalescence period for optimal recovery. Here is an overview of relevant information from the sources provided:
After the procedure, more or less significant discharge may occur for 2 to 7 days. It is recommended to cope better with these discharges by following the post-operative advice for a successful convalescence.
Following Microaire liposuction, a rest period of 7 to 15 days is generally necessary. Daily local care is also recommended to promote healing.
Compression after surgery plays a vital role in recovery after surgery to treat lipoedema. Thanks to it, bruises and edema are eliminated more quickly, which promotes better recovery and a reduction in post-operative complications.

Is it painful ?

The liposuction procedure to treat lipoedema may require a recovery period which may be inconvenient. It is essential to consider that pain after surgery may differ from person to person and can be treated using medications prescribed by the surgeon.

What are the advantages of surgery ?

Several benefits of lipoedema surgery are mentioned in the information provided by the sources:
During lipoedema surgery, it is possible to sustainably reduce fat deposits and slow down the progression of illness and relieve the pain that results from it.
This intervention has the potential to improve the quality of life of patients by reducing the signs of lipoedema, such as pain spontaneous or by touch, and by reshaping the silhouette for a more harmonious appearance.
It is generally considered that specific liposuction to treat lipoedema is the most effective and safe treatment to reduce this condition, often offering almost complete disappearance of symptoms.

Are there any associated complications ?

Potential complications may be related to lipoedema surgery. There are various complications such as post-operative pain, bruising, swelling, mobility limitations, weakness, fatigue and cosmetic damage.


In short, lipoedema manifests itself as an abnormal accumulation of fat under the skin, mainly in women. The origins are associated with hormonal changes and genetic elements. Signs include accumulations of fat, pain, bruising and a feeling of heaviness. Diagnosis requires a precise clinical assessment carried out by an expert. Different treatment methods can be considered, such as decongestive therapy and compression, as well as surgical liposuction to reduce fatty deposits. The consequences of the operation require a recovery period with adequate post-operative care. The benefits of lipoedema surgery include reduced symptoms and improved quality of life, although complications may occur.

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